20240516T090020240516T0945America/ChicagoSummon & 360 Product ConversationPlease join us to discuss the advances of the Summon discovery service and its powerful foundations, the Central Discovery Index and the 360 and Intota services. We'll review recent and upcoming product development strategies, as well as the importance of community contributions to the discovery environment. All Summon, Summon over Alma, Sierra via Summon, and Summon API users are encouraged to attend!Orchestra A/BEx Libris Knowledge Days and ELUNA Events 2024eluna-conf-planning@exlibrisusers.org
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Please join us to discuss the advances of the Summon discovery service and its powerful foundations, the Central Discovery Index and the 360 and Intota services. We'll review recent and upcoming product development strategies, as well as the importance of community contributions to the discovery environment. All Summon, Summon over Alma, Sierra via Summon, and Summon API users are encouraged to attend!