20240517T110020240517T1145America/ChicagoData Excellence & Content UpdatesThe Data Excellence initiative has had a significant impact on content management at Ex Libris since 2021. Join this session to hear the positive effects of the Initiative and learn how it has transformed the content operations flows and capabilities. We will also share our ongoing and future plans for Data Excellence, which focus on the development of different aspects of metadata management, advanced bibliographic records enrichment technologies, content provider focused actions and more.Orchestra A/BEx Libris Knowledge Days and ELUNA Events 2024eluna-conf-planning@exlibrisusers.org
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The Data Excellence initiative has had a significant impact on content management at Ex Libris since 2021. Join this session to hear the positive effects of the Initiative and learn how it has transformed the content operations flows and capabilities. We will also share our ongoing and future plans for Data Excellence, which focus on the development of different aspects of metadata management, advanced bibliographic records enrichment technologies, content provider focused actions and more.