20240515T114520240515T1230America/ChicagoImproving Access Outside of Traditional Library Services With Nomad++ and Group Policy DeploymentDelivering library services to users who start their research via the open web, instead of through the library, is always a challenge. The LibKey Nomad browser extension is proving to be a big help. Now installed on over 2.5 million machines, LibKey Nomad is connecting researchers who find citations to articles and books found at sites like Google, Wikipedia, and PubMed, to the full text available from their library and Open Access sources. The recently released LibKey Nomad++ enhancement takes things a step further. Now, libraries can add custom domain messaging to route users to access points or deliver context-appropriate information, provide chat service to users anywhere they are searching, as well as supply easy citation export and service customization options. This presentation will provide an overview of these new services and discuss how libraries are installing LibKey Nomad++ across managed computers using group policy technology.DuluthEx Libris Knowledge Days and ELUNA Events 2024eluna-conf-planning@exlibrisusers.org
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Delivering library services to users who start their research via the open web, instead of through the library, is always a challenge. The LibKey Nomad browser extension is proving to be a big help. Now installed on over 2.5 million machines, LibKey Nomad is connecting researchers who find citations to articles and books found at sites like Google, Wikipedia, and PubMed, to the full text available from their library and Open Access sources. The recently released LibKey Nomad++ enhancement takes things a step further. Now, libraries can add custom domain messaging to route users to access points or deliver context-appropriate information, provide chat service to users anywhere they are searching, as well as supply easy citation export and service customization options. This presentation will provide an overview of these new services and discuss how libraries are installing LibKey Nomad++ across managed computers using group policy technology.
Learn about LibKey Nomad++ new services
Discuss how libraries are installing LibKey Nomad++ across managed computers using group policy technology