The theme for this year is "Building Bridges". As we return for our second face-to-face Annual Meeting, the current Steering Committee chair will discuss the need to identify and bridge gaps of understanding and speak about higher levels of trust and transparency that are needed between customer and vendor as infrastructure and technologies become more opaque. While we learn about new developments in our platforms and how our colleagues are using/deploying them, the chair will highlight where and how we, as customers, may advocate for better support and inform our respective product roadmaps.
Minneapolis Grand Ex Libris Knowledge Days and ELUNA Events 2024 eluna-conf-planning@exlibrisusers.orgThe theme for this year is "Building Bridges". As we return for our second face-to-face Annual Meeting, the current Steering Committee chair will discuss the need to identify and bridge gaps of understanding and speak about higher levels of trust and transparency that are needed between customer and vendor as infrastructure and technologies become more opaque. While we learn about new developments in our platforms and how our colleagues are using/deploying them, the chair will highlight where and how we, as customers, may advocate for better support and inform our respective product roadmaps.