This session will illustrate different ways that record sets can be created in Alma and how to use sets to perform global (batch) updates on the records. Demonstrations include creation of sets of records related to loans, users, purchase order lines, title records, electronic portfolios, and physical inventory. Additional topics include the execution of Information Update job types on collection, title, and all formats of inventory records and an overview of MARC 21 Bibliographic Normalization job types.
Marquette II/III Ex Libris Knowledge Days and ELUNA Events 2024 eluna-conf-planning@exlibrisusers.orgThis session will illustrate different ways that record sets can be created in Alma and how to use sets to perform global (batch) updates on the records. Demonstrations include creation of sets of records related to loans, users, purchase order lines, title records, electronic portfolios, and physical inventory. Additional topics include the execution of Information Update job types on collection, title, and all formats of inventory records and an overview of MARC 21 Bibliographic Normalization job types.