-Developers Day+ Minneapolis Grand Live Meeting
May 14, 2024 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM(America/Chicago)
20240514T1040 20240514T1140 America/Chicago Being the Man in the Middle, Intercepting and Modifying Data in Primo

In this session, we will explore how to modify data on the fly to control the behavior of the Primo User Interface(UI). We will examine how the Primo UI reacts to different types of API calls and how we can use this to make the UI behave differently. Specifically, we will explore how to change the data from an API call before it is interpreted by the UI, which can be useful for data that cannot be changed in the data source. We will also discuss how to call a different data source to enhance the data or rewrite the call completely to retrieve data from an external source. By the end of the session, you will have an understanding of how to modify data to control the behavior of the Primo UI without the need to create complex components.

Minneapolis Grand Ex Libris Knowledge Days and ELUNA Events 2024 eluna-conf-planning@exlibrisusers.org
81 attendees saved this session

In this session, we will explore how to modify data on the fly to control the behavior of the Primo User Interface(UI). We will examine how the Primo UI reacts to different types of API calls and how we can use this to make the UI behave differently. Specifically, we will explore how to change the data from an API call before it is interpreted by the UI, which can be useful for data that cannot be changed in the data source. We will also discuss how to call a different data source to enhance the data or rewrite the call completely to retrieve data from an external source. By the end of the session, you will have an understanding of how to modify data to control the behavior of the Primo UI without the need to create complex components.

Lead Software Architect
 Daniel Naas
Library Discovery Systems Coordinator
University of Kentucky
 Joy Urbina
Head of Discovery Services
University Of Texas At El Paso
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